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Dress up and Feel Good Campaign

Campaigns Description

This campaign includes events like the kids fashion runway where partner with Kampala kids fashion show and have our beneficiaries model and show case designer clothes to build their confidence and promote fashion inclusion in the clothing industry.

We have seen this build CWDs’ confidence drastically from participants to the rest who watch their fellows walk down the runway in expensive clothes custom made for the and people in the audience cheering.


To Build a confident generation of CWDs.

Psychology states that a person only feels as good on the inside as they look on the outside, so our focus under this project is to find good clothes and dress-up our beneficiaries good enough to build their confidence in society


Many caretakers and parents raising CWDs struggle to find day to day food on top of home necessities. This makes buying clothes for their children a luxury they can’t to afford. Little do they know how damaging this is psychologically to these children. We then decided to involve the public in donating the clothes and other home equipment that they do not use. This has been successful because the public has continuously donated clothes to date. This activity has brought contagiously beautiful smiles on our beneficiaries’ faces.

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